What is S2S?
S2S is Patented Technology used in the selection and alignment of:
Cameras and Displays, from Laptops to Monitors and Projectors, even Printers.
In evaluating image quality S2S uses the most accurate and efficient tool known to man, side-by-side visual comparison with a known reference; evaluation can be electronic or visual and works even if one is color blind.
S2S provide the finest set of patented tools and technology available, plus training, typically by webinar, from the most respected individuals in the field of imaging science. To maintain precision over time, S2S is distributed by economical subscription.
S2S Suite of Tools
- Reference REC 709 colors and digital files
- Simplifies color correction of security camera footage
- An attractive item that can be personalized with name or logo
- Good for Public Relations

- Use to evaluate and correct security camera images after an event.
- Simply place ChromaSentry on the same spot as the suspect and record a new image of the scene using the original security camera.
- Color correct the ChromaSentry image and apply the same correction to the original image; you now have an accurate color reproduction of the suspect.
- You can also match the two images to see the suspect’s size and height.
- ChromaSentry not only provides greyscale reproduction data, but also a rainbow of colors including four reference skin tones, also resolution up to 8K.

- Use to adjust and calibrate grayscale, color, gamma and brightness characteristics of a display.
- Simply select the desired brightness and color temperature on the ScreenAlign unit and display a digital version of the ChromaMatch pattern on the monitor.
- Position the ScreenAlign in front of the monitor so the radiating patterns match.
- Now simply adjust the monitor to match the ScreenAlign.
“Elementary, my dear Watson”

- Provides fast and accurate testing and adjustment of printer, using digital and printed reference supplied.

- Instant color and greyscale reference in protective housing
- REC 709 and 2020 colors
- First tool on the scene. Keep in your trunk / glove box / camera bag or on your belt.
- Works anywhere you can use a camera and some light

ChromaMatch® Vista
- Six vector colors and 18 intermediate colors + four flesh tones and six wide gamut colors
- DSC 11-step crossed greyscales
- 18% neutral grey background
- REC 709 and REC 2020 colors
- Resolution up to 4K
- Digital reference file

- World’s most in demand dynamic range pattern.
- Measures dynamic range,in one stop increments.
- Xyla is available in three models – 15, 20, and 25 f-stops.
- Dynamic range is often misunderstood. Human vision is often quoted to be 20 f-stops, this is not at any one time. If we go from bright sunshine into a darkened room only illuminated by a candle, we may see the glowing candle but nothing else. However, after one to two minutes we begin to pick up details and, after five minutes, can probably read a book. So at any one time we can typically only see about 10 f-stops.
- A good camera can typically see 14 to 16 f-stops, but most body worn and similar cameras can record only six or seven f-stops.

White/Grey cards
- Setting correct exposure
- Easy to carry, easy to use
- Spectrophotometrically neutral
The S2S program, general information:
- While S2S is primarily designed for law enforcement applications, it is equally useful to the medical community, airports and other transportation hubs, and the military.
- Because DSC test products are valued by many people they tend to “disappear”. To virtually eliminate this problem, products provided on the S2S program are customized with the organization’s name, slogan, logo or other information.
- Customized Training will be available via webinar and live demo at DSC Labs.
- The S2S program includes regular testing and maintenance of the various components. DSC will also produce precision, corrected prints, to use as evidence in court, specifying the accuracy of grayscale and color elements in the photograph. To do this the photograph must include a DSC test chart illuminated by the same lighting as the evidentiary elements.
- TACT (Totally Automated Camera Testing) is exclusive to S2S Members. With its multiple light sources and different angles and simulated officer running features, TACT is primarily designed for testing Body Worn Cameras; however, it is also useful for testing security and other cameras.
- To avoid data from the S2S program and TACT being misused, the S2S program contains a confidentiality clause to protect our clients and equipment manufacturers.
- TACT is specifically intended for testing BWCs as used by police, but some aspects of the test would be applicable to other types of camera.