The ChromaMatch intuitive visual matching feature uses traditional ChromaDuMonde® colors and grayscales, producing familiar, easily interpreted waveform monitor and vectorscope displays.
ChromaMatch charts are designed and built to the highest quality standards. Mounted on sturdy aluminum backing with a flexible protective edging, every ChromaMatch is individually checked, calibrated, and rechecked.
ChromaMatch family of product is made in Canada, with integrity.
The DSC ChromaMatch® Precision Colors and Grayscale Story
ChromaMatch patterns were originally designed to work with ScreenAlign calibration System.
Film studios and broadcasters soon discovered the ChromaMatch benefits of superb, consistent image quality.
ChromaDuMonde, ChromaMatch and CamAligns are now used:
- In the Lab – camera evaluation and testing
- In the Studio – to set up and match cameras
- On the Set – as a production standard
- In Post Production – to optimize image quality
CamAligns Can Help You:
- Shoot richer-looking Pictures
- Optimize tonal reproduction
- Make blacker blacks
- Provide neutral shadow details
- Use rain or shine, even underwater
- Protect the environment – aluminum and other materials in DSC charts are recycled when traded in.
ChromaMatch Pro:
- Six Vector Colors
- plus 18 evenly spaced, intermediate colors
- plus 4 skin tone reference patches
- DSC 11-step grayscales
- 100 IRE white and true black chips
- Hyperbolic resolution wedges to 800 TV LPPH
- 16:9 (1.78) and 4:3 framing bowties plus motion picture framing lines for 2.35, 1.85 and 90% of 1.85.
- Standard size chart 21.3×13″ (54cmx33cm)
- Lint on the background
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