Precision Test Patterns for

Engineering and Production

Carry-on Charts

Handy and Pocket Charts

Compact and portable, EFP charts provide a consistent precision reference when needed in the field. Available in different sizes including Pocket (6.25”x3.75”) and Handy (10”x6”) EFP charts are designed to fit neatly into your pocket or camera bag.

FrontBox Products

FrontBox Charts and CamBooks

Versatile DSC FrontBox charts provide combinations of test elements on the front plus expanded focus chart on the rear.  CamBooks® are available in four, five or six chart sets and provide economical alternatives for those requiring multiple charts in a compact format – DSC also makes Custom Cambooks.

ChromaDuMonde 28R

Color Correction and GrayScale Charts

The most comprehensive way to match and calibrate cameras is with a DSC CamAlign® chart. Featuring DSC’s patented neutral grayscales and produced to the latest colorimetry standards. The  acclaimed ChromaDuMonde® and ChromaMatch® Charts provide Total image Control from “Scene to Screen”!

ChromaMatch Pro

Focus and Resolution Charts

DSC’s resolution and back focus charts provide all the data you need to assure optimum performance of UHD and HD digital cinema and broadcast cameras.  DSC’s unique FiddleHeads ®, Sine Zone, and ChromaSentry ®  patterns are designed to provide the sharpest images in 2K, 4K and 8K –  use before every shoot.


High Dynamic Range Charts

DSC’s award winning Xyla® has become the  defacto international standard for measuring true dynamic range. The self-illuminated Xyla is now available in three versions, providing up to 25 f-stops of dynamic range.

Security / Medical Charts

In a world where accuracy is essential, DSC labs seeks to remove uncertainties, reducing the chances of misdiagnosis and assisting in accurate  suspect identification through DSC’s established technology.

Specialist and Skin Tone Charts

Specialist and Skin Tone Charts

The popular Cambelles® show when the all- important skin tones are being reproduced accurately and NorthernLights®, in addition to DSC standard colors and grayscale, adds ultra high saturated rear-lit primaries for those interested in the 2020 colorimetry standard.

DSC Accessories

DSC Accessories

Built to last – Manufactured in Canada from Delrin, stainless steel and aircraft grade aluminum. DSC accessories are engineered for ease of use and reliability. DSC quality and precision is standard with all our products, not just the charts.

Ambi Combi Rear Lit Test Systems

Ambi Combi Rear Lit Test Systems

Recognized for its evenness of illumination, Ambi-2, originally designed for quartz, can use virtually any light sourse, LED etc. Ambi-3 uses a dedicated quartz array. Ambi combined with DSC’s Combi test transparencies, provides users with a selection of precision test elements. This has made tha Ambi/Combi System the preferred camera alignment tool of Engineers at major networks and studios worldwide.

AcuFlect 3

At DSC Labs, we are proud to announce the New AcuFlect 3 media which, while less reflective than the original AcuFlect Glossy, still maintains the dynamic range and color saturation that have made the original charts legendary.

What does this mean to you? It means that setting up the charts will be easier under multiple different light sources, therefore saving you time. The AcuFlect 3 surface can be wiped down with a damp cloth and has the added benefit of being more Eco-friendly.

We thank you for your input; this New Media was the product of extensive research and testing, prompted by your requests.

As of May 15th, 2017, all charts will be supplied on this new surface unless otherwise specified.